
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

International Travel with Children

If you are traveling internationally with your child, have fun!
There are several safety tips you need to keep in mind, though. Please visit to make sure there are no travel restrictions or vaccines you may need prior to travel. This website is updated regularly so check before each trip.
Most babies less than 6 months of age do well travelling by car, boat, or plane. As long as they have their caregiver with them, they don’t feel anxious. We don’t recommend travel between birth and the first set of immunizations. These are typically given at the 2 month check-up.
Unless your child has fluid in the ears, traveling by plane does not bother the ears until after they are 2 years old. Take-off and landing are the hardest on the ears, with landing being the worst time. Chewing, swallowing, and yawning during these times will help with pressure equalization in the ears. Make sure your child has age-appropriate drinks or food that they can take during take-off and landing. Refer to this website by the TSA about traveling on airlines thru and out of the U.S.
You can go to this website by the American Academy of Pediatrics for further information on traveling with children:
From 2 months of age to 6 months of age, you can only give acetaminophen. Ibuprofen and Benadryl can only be used after 6 months of age.
Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be helpful for fever and pain. These are always handy to have on hand.
We do not typically prescribe antibiotics ‘just in case’. If you child becomes ill while abroad, he or she needs to be seen and evaluated by a medical provider. This may seem like an inconvenience, but it is the best approach to take.
Please talk to a provider about any further information before you travel internationally with your children.
by Shefali Chheda, MD, FAAP

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