
Monday, February 7, 2011

Parents as "Equippers"

The following outlines some of our department management philosophies. It can also be the model for parents with their children. As parents we can equip our children for the adult world as they mature. Your healthy examples will have your child believing in and listening to you. That puts you in a position to teach and empower them in their tasks.
You empower them to do their best by equipping them with the “tools” they will need to do their tasks. Always start with the vision of where you are leading them. What do you want them to accomplish each day? What is your long term vision for your child and your family? What do you need to do to make that happen?
You, the “equipper”, are a “Model” to your child – You know what they need to do because you have already learned it and understand the importance of it from the adult perspective.
You, the “equipper”, are a “Mentor” – you are the counselor who has the vision of where you hope your child is in five, ten and twenty years from now. As your child matures, you will want to communicate that vision to them. You have the experience to impart practical advice to them to keep them on track.
You, the “equipper”, are an “Empowerer” – by teaching your child what they need to know to be successful in their daily lives, they will enjoy each day more as they have successes. If they know “why” something is done in addition to “how”, they will eventually internalize the long term goal too. Your child will buy into the tasks that need to be done because they understand why. These positive experiences will lead to a happier and more stable child. By constantly training and helping them to improve their results, you empower them to take charge of their future as they grow and develop.
by Debbie Rodriguez, Practice Administrator

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