
Monday, January 18, 2010

Care of the uncircumcised penis

by Shefali Chheda, MD FAAP

The infant should be bathed frequently and all parts should be washed including the genitals. The uncircumcised penis is easy to keep clean. No special care is required! No attempt should be made to forcibly retract the foreskin. Pull the foreskin back to a comfortable level and clean as you normally would. There is no need for special cleansing with cotton swabs, irrigation or antiseptics. Soap and water is all that is needed.
The foreskin and penis will develop as one tissue. Separation will occur over time and should not be forced. As long as you can see the urethral opening and there is a stream during urination, you should leave the foreskin alone. Normal separation of the foreskin can take several years, but will definitely take place during puberty.
After infancy, pull the foreskin back to a comfortable level and cleanse once a day in the shower. It is important to teach your son to do this himself, so when he starts taking a shower by himself, it has already become part of his normal routine to keep himself clean.

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