Hello everyone. It is nice to be back. After my last entry, I am writing to check in on how you are all doing regarding distracted driving. This whole issue has really made me open my eyes as to my own actions regarding this issue. Just to update everyone again as to the new laws:
1. Anyone under the age of 18 can not text or use their phone in any way while driving - $150 fine.
2. No one, regardless of age, is allowed to text while driving…not at stop signs or traffic lights if waiting - $150 fine.
OK…so now that we have that out of the way….what is it that causes us to want to look at our phone while driving. There are so many other distractions without the phone issue…think about it…digging out your lipstick and putting it on, looking at your palm pilot or daily task list/calendar, picking up the sippy cup off the floor of the car…changing out the DVD for the kids….etc, etc, etc…
Since I last spoke of this subject, I have become keenly aware of my own distractions while driving. I speak on the phone less, and if I do, it is on speaker. I am more conscious of other little things I do, some that have almost caused accidents. I am also less tolerant of when I see someone driving poorly and look to see that they are speaking on the phone.
Basically, just try to be more vigilant of paying attention while you are driving. If you need to speak on the phone, just pull over…it takes no time to do that….Most of these phone calls can wait…Right? So thanks everyone…thanks for helping keep your kids (and ours), safe! See you next time!!!!!!
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